• For complete control of a spider mite infestation, use in conjunction with predatory mites such as:
    Amblyseius andersoni - Generalist that tolerates high heats
    Amblyseius cucumeris - Thrips & Spider Mite Control
    Amblyseius swirskii - Spider Mite, Thrips, & Whitefly Control
    Neoseiulus californicus - Generalist that tolerates high heats
    Phytoseiulus persimilis - Two-Spotted Spider Mite Specialist

  • For complete control of a spider mite infestation, use in conjunction with Stethorus punctillum, an effective predatory beetle with a large appetite that will also feed on aphids.

  • Yellow sticky traps can catch Feltiella. We recommend removing sticky traps at time of release.

  • Feltiella adults fly and disperse well. Their prey detecting ability allows them to find pest mite infestations for you.

  • In climates without extremely dry or cold seasons, every stage of Feltiella acarisuga is present year-round.

  • Feltiella acarisuga can withstand cold and dark weather, helping them to remain active in spring and autumn.

  • Adult Feltiella acarisuga are not predaceous, drinking water and nectar.
  • Pesticides, even-wetting agents, and spreader-stickers may adversely affect beneficial insect survival. Broad spectrum and systemic insecticides are toxic.

  • Depending on the size and type of plants, the number and type of pests, other predator and parasite populations, and temperature, the frequency of releases may be affected.