Fly Control
While humans commonly find adult flies to be the most bothersome life stage, the larval stage is the best target for management efforts. Elimination of larval habitat is the preferred method of pest fly suppression.
What works best for Fly control?...
Fly Exterminators are effective against 95% of flies, including houseflies, biting stable flies, garbage flies, and lesser houseflies, and many more Filth Flies. These tiny flying insects are completely biteless, stingless and do not bother humans or animals. Fly Exterminators go virtually unnoticed, only flying inches off the ground. They infect the fly pupae to stop the reproduction of more flies.
You can reinforce your beneficial insects population by using Beneficial Nematodes such as the SC and SF beneficial nematodes for fly issues. Beneficial Nematodes parasitize a wide variety of common pest insects including the maggot stage of flies.
You can also use traps to catch and trap the adult flies and help break the life cycle.