Aphidius ervi - Description
Aphidius ervi controls larger-bodied aphids. May diapause under short day lengths.
Aphidius ervi are around 4-5mm long and have a black body with translucent wings. They are often mistaken for small flies due to their size and delicate appearance. Aphidius ervi is widely distributed and commonly used in biological pest control programs.
Sex ratio is 60-70% female. The female adult will lay an egg directly into the aphid body where it hatches and the larvae will consume the aphid’s body from within. When A. ervi larvae mature, the host aphid transforms into a black mummy over 7 days. Subsequently, it takes another 14 days for the mummy to mature into an adult, which emerges through a hole at the mummy's rear. Expect to observe the first mummies in your crops at least 14 days after the initial release. Females can lay more than 100 eggs during their 2-week lifespan.
If you have a small-bodied aphid species, please look at Aphidius colemani. If you're not sure which species of aphid is causing your infestation, please look at our Aphid Triple Mix or our Aphid Double Mix.