Aphidius colemani - Small-Bodied Aphid Control
Aphidius colemani controls smaller-bodied aphids. Use in conjunction with other aphid predators.
A. colemani are versatile parasitoids specialized in targeting smaller aphid species. Typically measuring around 2-3mm, adult A. colemani are commonly black or dark brown, characterized by their slender, translucent bodies, elongated antennae, and wings adorned with distinctive patterns. Despite their diminutive size, these agile predators are adept at locating aphid colonies, where female parasitoids deposit eggs directly into hosts. Following a brief 3-5 day incubation period, the eggs hatch into larvae, which actively consume the aphids over the next 5-10 days as they mature. Upon completion of development, the larvae enter the pupal stage, giving rise to a new generation of adults emerging from the aphid mummies, thus perpetuating the reproductive cycle essential for sustainable aphid management. Throughout their approximately two-week lifespan, females have the capacity to lay over 100 eggs.
If you have a large-bodied aphid species, please look at Aphidius ervi. If you're not sure which species of aphid is causing your infestation, please look at our Aphid Triple Mix or our Aphid Double Mix.
Vegetable Crops
Soft Fruit Crops
Ornamental Crops
Tree Nurseries
Indoor Facilities
Field Crops
1-5 insects per 10 sq. ft., weekly, 2-3 times
Temperature Range: 50-86°F
Gently disperse insects onto infested plants. Leave open container on it's side, in place for 24 hours to allow any remaining insects to be introduced.
Do not place product directly onto soil or substrate. Ensure the product contents remain dry and are not moved from the introduction site for a few days.
Use NaturesGoodGuys Hanging Boxes to introduce your predators without making a mess! Hanging boxes help you concentrate predators on infested areas and help to keep your product dry.
Remove any yellow sticky traps for the first few days after introduction.
Mummies can be observed on leaves of the crop 10-14 days after the first application.
- Aphelinus abdominalis produces black mummies, where others such as Aphidius colemani and Aphidius ervi produce golden/brown mummies.
A perfectly round hole at the back of the mummy indicates that an adult parasitoid has emerged.
Depending on the size and type of plants, the number and type of pests, other predator and parasite populations, and temperature, the frequency of releases may be affected.
For best results, introduce immediately upon receipt. If storage is necessary, store at 39-46°F for no longer than 48 hours. Store out of direct sunlight. Do not freeze.
Store Policies
Please review our store policies below on Shipping & Processing, Live Delivery Guarantee, and Returns/Replacements. By placing your order, you are agreeing to these policies. Thank you!
Please note that our Live Delivery Guarantee pertains specifically to the condition of the insects at the time of delivery and does not cover instances where insects may perish at a later stage. We will exercise our discretion to assess whether your situation falls within the time frame qualifying for our policy. Factors such as the insect species, hatching time, temperature conditions, and other relevant considerations will be taken into account to determine the applicability of the guarantee. For non-hatching insects, you must contact us within 48 hours of delivery in order to be considered for the guarantee. Replacements will only be processed/shipped on Wednesdays & Thursdays.
Upon receiving your package from NaturesGoodGuys, we highly recommend opening it immediately and checking for a sticker indicating the need for refrigeration. It's crucial to carefully read the instructions included for specific storage information to ensure the well-being of your beneficial insects. We are not responsible for replacements due to incorrect storage methods.
One important thing to note is that we do not expect ice packs to remain frozen or cold upon delivery. Ice packs serve as a temporary measure to help maintain moisture and temperatures during transit.Please keep in mind that some insects may require time to adjust and recover from transit before they become active. If you don't observe immediate movement upon opening the package, this doesn't necessarily mean they are not viable. Give them a little time, and monitor for signs of activity as they settle into their new environment. Most of our insects are difficult to see without magnification.
Some species/quantities do not have multiple shipping methods to choose from because they require short transit time for viability. For those who have concerns about the well-being of their insects during transit, we suggest selecting overnight shipping. This ensures that your beneficial insects spend minimal time in transit, reducing stress and maximizing their chances of arriving in optimal condition.
1. Customer input the incorrect shipping information: If the customer contacts our help line BEFORE their order has been processed to correct an address error we will be able to perform this change for you so that you can receive your order.