Warm weather leafminer control. Release preventatively or at first site of pests in tomato, pepper, and other susceptible crops.

Commonly known as the leafminer parasitoid, Diglyphus isaea primarily targets leafminer larvae, particularly those of the genus Liriomyza. Despite its small size of 2-3mm in length, it is easily identified by robust wings, distinctive segmented antennae, and captivating iridescent hues of metallic green, bronze, or blue along a slender, tapered body. Integrating Diglyphus isaea into a pest management program for leafminers will help protect overall plant health especially for precious food gardens or crops. Females lay eggs inside leafminer larvae, then hatching into Diglyphus isaea larvae within 2-4 days. The developing larvae feed on the internal tissues of the leafminer larvae for about 7-10 days before entering the pupal stage. After about 7-10 days of pupation, a new generation of adult parasitoids emerge and continue the reproductive cycle for their 1-3 week lifespan.