Affordable generalist that tolerates high heats. May perform better than other mites when humidity is lower (between 40-60%).

Neoseiulus californicus, identified by their eight legs and a buff to tan colored pear-shaped body and measuring approximately 1mm. Males are notably smaller and darker compared to females. Well known for their effectiveness in preying upon two-spotted spider mites, Neoseiulus californicus is noted for their ability to endure high temperatures and humidity levels. They sustain themselves by feeding on pollen during periods of low pest populations. Females deposit oval-shaped, translucent eggs beneath leaves and in close proximity to pest concentrations. Within 2-4 days, these eggs hatch into larvae equipped with three pairs of legs, poised to consume spider mite eggs. Progressing through two nymphal stages, they gradually transition to targeting larger-sized spider mite nymphs until reaching adulthood. Adult predator mites, with a lifespan of approximately 20 days, voraciously consume significant quantities of spider mites across all life stages.